Monthly Membership
Book specialty massages with our single sessions and membership options you are able to request PRENATAL MASSAGE, SACROLOGY, NEUROMUSCULAR, (TMJ) Temporomanibular Joint Massage. Your therapist will have you fill out a previous health history intake form before your massage. If one of these specialty massages need to be implemented your therapist will recommend as needed.
Prenatal Massage
Pregnancy massage can include anything from a full body Swedish massage to light massage work that might include other modalities such as circulatory work, reflexology or cranial sacral therapy. Massage is a wonderful way to help alleviate many of these discomforts during pregnancy, as well as promotes a sense of well-being.
This type of massage incorporates ‘gentle’ techniques for treating the psoas and piriformis muscles and surrounding structures. Helps with Sciatica and Back Pain.
The most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain is neuromuscular therapy. Neuromuscular therapy is also called trigger point myotherapy. The American Academy of Pain Management recognizes this form of massage therapy as an effective treatment for back pain caused by soft tissue injury (such as a muscle strain).
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Massage
According to the Mayo Clinic, most of the pain associated with your TMJ (the temporomandibular joint on either side of your head, where your skull and lower jawbone meet) can be treated without surgery. Massage is one of many techniques that can help address the cause of TMJ disorders. Whether the pain comes from a jaw injury, arthritis, or simply the fatigue from repeatedly grinding or clenching your teeth, regular massage therapy can make a difference.
Almost everyone has suffered the pain of a headache. Headaches can last for a few hours up to several days, and sometimes involve symptoms such as sensitivity to light and nausea. They can seriously impact daily life when they occur frequently or for an extended period of time. Massage is one natural alternative to allopathic medicine that can help relieve headaches while avoiding the side effects that often accompany prescription and over-the-counter headache medications