July 8th, 2020
At DrivenFit, we pride ourselves on offering our clients the latest technological advances in fitness and total body wellness. We love our gadget, the Stkyu S100 3D Body Scanner! This highly intuitive tool allows us to perform a 3D body scan in seconds using just a turntable and 3D camera. It truly tracks the effectiveness of your workouts. Learn more…
The Styku is by far the new gold standard in health assessments. No longer must we rely on the inaccuracy of weight scales to track progress!
With the 3D body scanner, we can extract millions of exact measurements (with less than 1% error!) from your waist, hip, thigh with 2 mm accuracy, and reconstruct your body in 3D…in just 35 seconds. Also, we can leverage body measurements to calculate an accurate body fat percentage.
The 3D model uses this information to highlight changes in your shape and to help set goals. Nothing is more illustrative and more motivating than to actually see your body transform!
Better yet, our 3D body scanner is completely private, and clients can be scanned in leggings, shorts, or any form-fitting clothing. From the scan, we can rotate, pan, and zoom to view stunning, interactive 3D before and after visuals.
When you want to truly see the transformation, you need to partner with a personal trainer at DrivenFit in South Tampa! You can also workout virtually through our gym app, but we haven’t quite perfected the 3D scan through your phone yet. Tech will eventually get there. The Styku Scanner is seriously one of the best benefits of our training gym. Come check it out!
Simply put, a 3D body scanner is a personal trainer’s best friend. Not only does it compile accurate measurements and body fat percentage, but it allows you to see the impact of your workouts…the greatest motivator of all.
As part of our personal training program, we use the Styku 3D body scanner for:
3D Model: Rotate, pan, and zoom a full body model from a body scan to visualize shape and landmarks.
Shape Analysis: Analysis of a client’s profile, silhouette, and waist-to-hip ratio
Track Progress: Chart key measurements over time, helps clients stay motivated
Fat Analysis: Offers more consistency than traditional methods such as calipers and BIA
Risk Assessment: Track your risk of obesity-related disease using measurements of waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat
Goal Setting: Meet fat-loss goals. 3D scans help us set goals based on desired weight loss, personal burn rate, and activity level
Dashboard: View data analysis, set preferences, and manage an account from anywhere in the world
Start your journey with our trainers in South Tampa, FL! Our intensive programs are designed to achieve total body wellness through personal training, massage therapy, and chiropractic care. Call or text us today at (813) 440-3016!
Categories: Personal Training • Transformation