How to Maximize Your Rest Days

March 19th, 2021

Want to know something great? To truly reach your fitness goals, not only do you have to train, but you also need to rest

It’s true. When you optimize your training to rest ratio, you reach your fitness goals faster! The trainers at Driven Fit + SWS explain rest days and how you can make the most of them:


What is a Rest Day?

A rest day is a *well-deserved* day off from your regular workout routine to allow your body and mind to recover. These days are a super important part of your training and offer several benefits, including: 


  • Muscle recovery 
  • Nervous system regeneration
  • Prevention of a workout plateau or “workout hangover”
  • Improved mental focus


Need help recovering on rest days? We got you. Call/ text (813) 440-3016 and we’ll chat about the massage therapy and chiropractic care services at our South Tampa gym.


What to Do on Rest Days

Don’t worry. You can still maintain your fitness momentum, even on a rest day

A rest day is simply a day where you do what YOU want to do to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind. In fact, it’s good for you and can even help you reach your wellness goals faster. After all, we’re trying to achieve a total transformation when it comes to our health. 

Our trainers recommend trying these activities on your rest day: 

  • Stay active with light cardio or an active recovery workout.
  • Practice mindfulness and movement through Yoga or Pilates.
  • Foam roll to reduce muscle soreness and improve range of motion.
  • Meal prep for the week ahead to line up easily accessible healthy food options.
  • Stretch to reduce stiffness or soreness.
  • Go on a nature walk with family or friends (the beach or local trails are great options).
  • End your day with a good night’s sleep


What to Eat on Rest Days

So now you have some ideas to stay lightly active on your days outside of the gym, but what can you eat to maximize your days off? 

Specific foods can speed up muscle recovery, so on your rest days make sure to load up on protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables! 

It’s also especially important to stay hydrated and drink lots (and lots!) of water. This will help flush toxins from the muscles and ensure the nutrients needed for muscle repair reach the muscle tissue. 


Since You’re Here…Items to ALWAYS have stocked in Your Pantry


How Often You Should Take a Rest Day

Rule of thumb…always allow for at least one full rest day per week. However, the optimal number of rest days depends on the type of workouts you are doing and other factors like: 


  • Training intensity
  • The type of workout, i.e., full-body vs. split workouts
  • How long you’ve been training 
  • Your training technique
  • Where you are at in your training cycle
  • Lifestyle stresses outside of working out


At Driven Fit + SWS, as part of our custom personal training programs, we will provide a schedule that will include training sessions as well as rest days and activities based on your individual goals and fitness regimen.


Train and Recover with Driven Fit + SWS!

We’re all about total lifestyle transformation and results. Our intensive training programs help you live your best life – achieve your wellness goals, rejuvenate, and restore, all at our unique studio gym. Get started today; call/ text our South Tampa personal trainers at (813) 440-3016!


Categories: Lifestyle

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