Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture

February 19th, 2019

Age-old Chinese wisdom views the physical body as a collection of energetic fields. If the body is in a state of good health, it allows for optimal energy flow. On the other hand, if the body is in a disease-ridden state, it creates energetic blockages. Acupuncture has been proven by numerous scientific studies to be one of the most viable and effective alternative methods for overall wellbeing and healing. Take a closer look at the many acupuncture benefits…they may just surprise you.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Mood Enhancement

There are many causes for fluctuating moods and even depression. Whether chronic stress, everyday worries, or imbalanced hormones are the culprit for stress, acupuncture can offer significant relief. With the application of acupuncture needles, your central nervous system becomes stimulated and releases endorphins and other chemicals that will lift your mood. This will lead to a more positive mindset and less anxiety.

Headache Relief

To treat headaches, acupuncture needles are carefully placed near specific nerves that offer a pain-reductive effect. Endorphins are released that relieve pressure and help with discomfort of recurring headaches and migraines.

Sleep Quality

Acupuncture increases your body’s natural ability to produce melatonin – a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycles. Thanks to our busy lifestyles and poor sleep habits, melatonin is often underproduced which contributes to insomnia and sleep deprivation. Acupuncture will help restore your natural ability to fall asleep (and remain asleep!).

Immune System Support

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense, and acupuncture not only strengthens the immune system to fight infection and other harmful threats, it speeds up healing as well. Acupuncture is also known to balance an overactive immune system that can lead to various autoimmune diseases.

Energy Boost

We all could use an energy boost, right? Acupuncture offers tremendous benefits in this department by fighting off exhaustion or “brain fog”. It aids in balancing the body’s energetic field, so organs function correctly. As a result, it leads to a state of ease, reduced pain, increased physical stamina, and mental clarity.


Age-old Chinese wisdom views the physical body as a collection of energetic fields. If the body is in a state of good health, it allows for optimal energy flow.

Blood Pressure Control

Acupuncture has been known to outperform pharmaceutical drugs when it comes to improving heart function and blood flow. With regular treatment, the cardiovascular system can work at an optimal level, which leads to lowered blood pressure, a stronger heart muscle, and improved overall cardio fitness.

Allergy Reduction

By boosting the body’s natural immunity and self-healing ability, allergens are less likely to wreak havoc. Regular acupuncture sessions treat the symptoms of allergies such as a runny nose, puffy eyes, scratchy throat, and constant sneezing.

Digestive Support

Acupuncture treats virtually all digestive system conditions (think acute gastrointestinal problems, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or gallstones) by supporting the healthy functioning of the digestive system and its organs, as well as rebalancing faulty energetic fields.

Fertility Enhancement

Acupuncture supports the reproductive organs and the optimal production of male and female hormones to increase fertility. It also helps with the healthy progression of pregnancy and has the capacity to optimize the child’s position in the uterus for a natural, less problematic delivery.


Interested in Acupuncture? Call Driven + Sponaugle Wellness Studio

After reading acupuncture benefits, who wouldn’t be ready for their first appointment? Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing tradition, promotes the body’s healthy energy flow and, when needed, will open the blockages that can lead to physical and emotional disorders. If you are suffering from any of the ailments listed above, then please contact Driven + Sponaugle Wellness Studio for a consultation with our expert Tampa acupuncturist, Dr. Sarah Sponaugle, D.C.

Categories: Rejuvenation

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