Driven Blog

Is there Really Science behind Acupuncture?

Tampa acupuncturist science behind acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing therapies in the world, yet also considered cutting edge. The methods vary, but the most well-known form of acupuncture involves inserting very thin

Local Lifestyle: Whole Body Fuel Meal Delivery

Whole Body Fuel Tampa Meal Delivery Driven + SWS Studio

When you’re on the go, you can’t imagine the benefits of meal prep to make sure your fitness goals don’t get derailed. Seriously, with work, family, pets, workouts –who has

Consistency in Routine

Consistency Fitness Results Driven Fit South Tampa Gym

Whether you’re exercising to achieve a good physique, build strength, or train for a race/triathlon, consistency is key for maximum results! What’s the best way to achieve consistency? Create a

New Guidelines for Acute and Subacute Low Back Pain & Preventative Maintenance

New Guidelines for Acute Low Back Pain Driven + SWS Tampa

Do you suffer from low back pain? You’re not alone. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor’s visits in the United States. In fact, approximately

Acupuncture and Allergies

Acupuncture and allergies Driven + SWS Tampa Acupuncture

Anyone with moderate to severe allergies living in the Tampa Bay area is no stranger to the annoying symptoms of allergy season such as a running nose, sneezing, and itchy

Benefits of Meal Prep

Benefits of Meal Prep Best Tampa Personal Trainers Driven

We all want to look better, feel better, have more energy…the list goes on. But let’s face it, life gets busy and we don’t always follow through with our fitness

How to Indulge the Right Way

Indulge the right way Tampa Personal Trainers Driven Fit

Diet and fitness are key components to living a healthy lifestyle, but we’re human and sometimes we just need to indulge! YOLO, right?! The good news? There are healthy ways

Don’t Slouch! May is “Correct Your Posture Month”

Correct Posture Month May Driven Fit + SWS Chiropractors Tampa

You’re probably sitting down reading this, and oops, you just realized that you weren’t sitting up straight. We get it. In a world of Netflix binges and increasing screen time,

Tabata vs. HIIT: What’s the Difference?

Rowing Tabata HIIT Workout Differences Driven Fit

One of the questions we get asked all the time is about Tabata vs. HIIT, “What is the difference and which one is the better workout?” The simple answer is

What’s That Sound? Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic FAQs Dr Sarah Hyde Park Tampa Chiropractor

Are you curious about visiting a chiropractor, but also skeptical as well? At Driven Fit + Sponaugle Wellness Studio Tampa, our chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of

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